Wednesday, August 7, 2019

For interested readers I have just published a new book entitled

Two Years Behind the Plow; Bringing the Green Revolution to Nepal.   

It describes a small group of Peace Corps volunteers's efforts to engage Nepali farmers in the Green Revolution.  Between 1969 and 1971 I lived in a small village in a remote jungle valley at the foot of the Himalayas.  With mixed success I demonstrated the advantages of using hybrid seed and chemicals to increase the productivity of local rice, maize, and wheat crops.  Interspersed with humorouns tales of my experiences, I describe the physical and emotional challenges faced by young American Peace Corps volunteeers living in a dramatically different culture.  For those keen to understand Nepal today, I share the highlights of living there half a century ago.

If you wish to order a copy of this 254 page book it costs $20 including postage.  You can contact me at to place an order